10 May 2005

Goodbye to Kim and Peter

As inspirational founders of Moleskin Notebook, I'd like to take some time to wish well my good friends Kim & Peter C.

For background, when I first started my job for Uncle Sam, I was moonlighting at a coffee shop in Arlington in order to both meet some new people and pay my rent (**the recurring theme of my oppressive law school debt**). One of my first friends I made at our orientation (a week of 6 hour classes to learn how to schlep lattes to ungrateful, poorly tipping morons?) was a meekly brave business continuity analyst: Kim the Waitress (5 moleskine points to anyone who can get that reference without aid of a search engine). Kim and I became fast friends - mostly over after-shift drinking bouts at her tiny, tiny place in Sheffield Court in Courthouse. Well, having shepherded m'amie out of one relationship, she quickly found herself in the throws of passion with Mr. Peter -- coffeeshop waiter/spiritual guru extraordinaire. Time passes, we all quit the cafe, and Kim and Peter are wed in an Alexandria Courthouse one fine day.

Alas, Peter's life journey is now taking him to graduate school in Durham, North Carolina (any bloggers who live nearby should let me know so that you can meet them!) and Kim is (shockingly) taking her job with her as a Durham-DC telecommuter.

Cheers, Kim and Peter, thanks for all the good times and for having that one quality most important in being my friend: a reluctance to judge me. Good luck and get that guest room ready a/s/a/p!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim the Waitress - pop song (and gosh darnit I cannot remember the artist) but it was about a waitress who was really a murderer!
How about partial credit?

Blogger Jason said...

It is a song, but no it was not about a waitress who was really a murderer (where on earth did you get that)? I'll give you one point out of five. You still fail.

Blogger JPS said...

Hey, I'm two hours away straight down 40, if they feel a need for a trip to the beach or some in-state company.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the lyrics went "No one can save us/ from Kim the Waitress" but maybe it was "No one can save us/ BUT Kim the Waitress"?

Blogger Jason said...

We have a winner, sialacci! Indeed, it was Material Issue. Lucky for Kim that she met me as I provided her with her own theme song.

Anyone think of any good waitress songs? I really like Lyle Lovett's "Sonja" (lyrics at http://www.musicsonglyrics.com/L/lylelovettlyrics/lylelovettsonjalyrics.htm) but buy the album!)


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